2023 KU Design Week: Interference [April 10-14]

KU Design Week 2023: Interference

An opportunity to connect with like-minded designers and creatives who understand the challenges of designing in a world full of interference.

Through a series of talks, workshops, and networking events throughout the week, you’ll explore how to overcome interruptions and develop innovative solutions and techniques to overcome the digital noise of today.

Interrupt your workflow, pivot your thinking, and create new processes.

Tickets available April 6, at precisely 12 p.m. and close at 2 a.m. on Sunday, April 9. 

Participation is free and open to all ArcD students, but registration is required.

Register and see most current schedule at THIS LINK .

Website: https://kudesignweek.fun/ 

Social: https://www.instagram.com/ku_designweek/ 

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ku-design-week-2023-tickets-607543086727

screen shot of 2023 KU Design Week webpage, blue warped repeated text 'KUDW23' on white background