Faculty Resources
Book spaces through Outlook.
We have transitioned from using Picktime to Outlook for booking spaces. For any booking requests, please reach out to Callie calliedunlap@ku.edu or Haley hhaldeman@ku.edu. They can check availability, suggest alternate times if your preferred slot is unavailable, and provide options for other spaces. Additionally, Callie and Haley manage Outlook bookings for support spaces and rolling pin-up boards. Feel free to contact them for assistance!
In alignment with regulations from the U.S. Department of Education, KU’s Syllabus Policy requires that all courses must have a syllabus on file with the University. A syllabus for every course you are listed as the instructor is required.
For 2024, use the Simple Syllabus form instead of uploading a PDF. Ensure all sections are fully completed.
Courses with multiple sections and instructors can create a single syllabus and import its content into other sections. Edits made in one section will not affect others.
After creating a Simple Syllabus, you can import, update, and modify it as needed.
Instructors can access Simple Syllabus within Canvas or directly through the Simple Syllabus Portal.
Tips on the CTE website
Preparing a Syllabus goes over every section in the Simple Syllabus form.
Sections to pay particular attention to...
Student Resources and University Policies
Please visit the Student Resources website, KU Academic Success for a list of student resources and university policies including information on the following policies:
Academic Misconduct Policy
Change of Grade Policy
Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities
Commercial Note-taking
KU Statement on Diversity and Inclusion
Mandatory Reporting (Title IX)
Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action Policy
Racial and Ethnic Harassment Policy
Sexual Harassment Policy
The Student Access Center (SAC) coordinates academic accommodations and services for all eligible KU students with disabilities. If you have a disability for which you wish to request accommodations and have not contacted SAC, please do so as soon as possible. They are located in 22 Strong Hall and can be reached at 785-864-4064 (V/TTY). Information about their services can be found at access.ku.edu. Please contact me privately in regard to your needs in this course.
Subject to Change Statement
The information listed on the syllabus may be subject to change and will be communicated to the students at the time of the change.
Please visit the KU Policy Library for all University Policies.
See FSRR Policy on Promotion and Tenure
For Faculty Affairs Career Advancement
See Policies and Resources for School and Department level policies.
See Policy Language for Syllabi for Design Department policies you can add to your syllabi.
Care reporting is designed to encourage early identification of individuals who may be experiencing difficulty coping with their environment or a life circumstance.
Fill out a Care Report
Resources for Students: Campus and Community
Faculty Enroll and Pay How-To's
Online Grade Change Form - Submit this form for grade changes that are more than one year old and for changes within one year that cannot be done in Enroll & Pay for the following reasons:
Student has graduated
The current grade is a P (Progress)
Student is withdrawn from the class
Credit/No Credit (with the exception of the Law School)
submit pcard receipts (here)
non-travel expenses on your personal credit card (here)
independent contractor (ie speaker honorarium) (here)
Developing a New Program
One faculty member or group of faculty (authors) interested in proposing a New Program must first consult with their department chair, curriculum committee and the dean. Best practices suggest the department should be aware and generally supportive of the program idea before you begin the pre-proposal. The pre-proposal form requires support from the Dean.
In general, a program idea should be pursued only if the program meets all or some of the following criteria:
- Increases new SCH for the school and does not simply move SCH from one program to another.
- Adds to online program offerings and is marketable nation-wide
- Maximizes existing instructional resources and includes a program launch plan that does not initially require added resources
- Avoids replication or redundancy with other existing programs
- Has an interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary focus
Once you have been given the green light to proceed with a new program/ pre-proposal reach out to Associate Dean Herstowski to be added to the Teams Site: Program Proposals :: Developing a New Program
Familiarize yourself with the Handbook found on https://academicaffairs.ku.edu/, understand the difference between the pre-proposal, requirements for the final proposal, who approves at each step and develop a rough timeline.
The timeline and process for proposal review vary depending on the type of program proposal. Online programs will also require Jayhawk Global’s review and support. For new tracks/concentrations within existing degree programs, expect a final approval timeline ranging from 2 to 3 months. New degree programs may take up to 18 months for approval.