School of Architecture & Design announces new photography minor

Fri, 01/17/2020


Ashley Jolee Manalac

LAWRENCE — The photography program at the University of Kansas School of Architecture & Design has developed a new photography minor available to all students. 

“It is a valuable addition to any student’s main course of study,” said Elise Kirk, the photography program’s director. “We look forward to including a diversity of perspectives in the classroom alongside our current photography major students.” 

The study of photography and related media fosters the development of universal visual literacy and conceptual and critical thinking skills while preparing students for a wide array of fields such as arts and design, media and communications, marketing and advertising, and the humanities and social sciences. This minor could be a critical addition to many majors during a time when around the world, humans are producing and sharing over a billion photographs every day. 

Students interested in the photography minor should enroll in PHTO 200 for the 2020 spring semester as soon as possible since it is the prerequisite for admission to the minor. Students may also enroll in PHTO 210, HA 380 and ADS 320 regardless of the status of their admission to the minor. Admissions applications are reviewed once a year in April, and students must have successfully completed or be currently enrolled in PHTO 200 when applying for admission. Applications for the minor are due April 15 and will include a short essay, a 10-image portfolio and a PDF of the student’s advising report. Those interested in being notified of when applications are being accepted can join the mailing list here

After admission to the program, there are 18 credit hour requirements. 

PHTO 200 (3 credit)  – Foundations in Photography  (Required as a pre-review course.) 

PHTO 210 (3 credit)  – Understanding Photographs  (PHTO 101 can substitute PHTO 210; in this case PHTO 101 should be taken before PHTO 200, not after.) 

PHTO 303 (4 credit) – Photography I: View Camera 

PHTO 304 (4 credit) – Photography II: Color Digital  

HA 380 (3 credit) – History of Photography 

ADS 320 (1 credit) – Hallmark Symposium Series 

The Design Department’s well-established photography program enjoys facilities and equipment that support a full range of photographic exploration – from digital to darkroom, alternative and experimental processes, and moving-image and time-based media.  

“Photography is an ever-expanding language that we use to communicate meaning, interpret understanding, express experience, and convince or deceive,” Kirk said. “This image-driven landscape makes photographic education more vital than ever for cultivating intentional creators and discerning readers.” 


Fri, 01/17/2020


Ashley Jolee Manalac