Intisar Ameen Tyne

- PhD Student, Architecture
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Biography —
Intisar Ameen Tyne, a PhD candidate in Healthcare Architecture at the University of Kansas, researches the socio-political impact on 19th century mental healthcare facility design. Her dissertation will be one of the earlier attempts to provide the historical understanding of contemporary mental healthcare issues that are shaping the architectural discourse today and provide design recommendation for an optimal healing environment. Her work has been supported by grants from American Association of University Women (AAUW). Intisar’s current research analyses the gender- based disparity in Bangladeshi mental hospitals. After completing her first professional degree in architecture, she worked as a faculty member of the Stamford University Bangladesh. She received her B. Arch. from the University of Asia Pacific, and her M.A. from the University of Kansas.
Education —
Selected Publications —
1. Cai, H., Tyne, I. A ., Spreckelmeyer, K. and Williams, J., 2020. Impact of Visibility and Accessibility on Healthcare Workers’ Hand Hygiene Behavior: A Comparative Case Study of Two Nursing Units in an Academic Medical Center. HERD: Health Environments Rese arch & Design Journal
2.Tabassum, S., & Tyne, I. A . (2015). An Overview of the Heritage of Kalicharan Shaha Street: Approach to the Area Conservation. Asian Journal of Humanity, Art and Literature , 2(2), 47 62.
3. Tyne, I.A ., & Rashid, M. (2018). Transferring Healthcare Design Models and Practices Across Countries: Spatial Analysis of European General Hospital in Colonial India. 12th International Space Syntax Symposium
4. Tyne, I.A., & Cai, H. (2020). Impact of Visibility on Healthcare Workers Hand Hygiene Behavior: A Comparative Case Study of Two Nursing Units in an Academic Medical Center. The Environmental Design Research Association, EDRA-51.
5. Cai, H., Tyne, I.A., Spreckelmeyer, K., & Zilm, F. (2020). Impacts of Decentralized Nursing Unit Typology: A comparative Case Study of two ICU units in an academic medical center. The Environmental Design Research Association, EDRA-51.