Kent Smith

- Assistant Teaching Professor, Illustration & Animation
- Foundation Year Coordinator
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Biography —
Kent Smith is a Lawrence, KS based illustrator, designer, sculptor, maker, teacher, problem-maker, problem-solver, mad scientist, time-traveler, dimension-hopper and the mayor of Smittytown.
His work can be found on toys, beer labels, masks, huge woodblocks and tiny trading cards. Working both independently and collaboratively, Kent embraces challenges and loves solving difficult problems. Using crazy brain-powers and a variety of media, Kent delivers solutions chock full of play, story and unexpected connections. Kent helps shape reality and builds creative community by co-hosting monthly life-drawing sessions (Thieves Guild and Percolator), drop-in sketchbook (Percolator) and drawing groups (Lawrence Urban Sketchers). Kent celebrates teaching in the Design Department at the University of Kansas as well as working with the Lawrence Arts Center, The Percolator, VanGo and other community organizations. Kent loves super-heroes, ninjas, monkeys, UFOs, cryptids, robots, ray-guns, and romance.