Professional Studies Options for Illustration & Animation Students

Students should consult their ILLU studio instructors for guidance regarding their professional, personal, and artistic goals. They can provide sage guidance ranging from recommended Professional Studies options to growth opportunities and beyond.

Students are also welcome to consult their academic advisor, who is well-versed in available courses, opportunities, and resources at KU!

ADS 531: Internship

In the Design field, students have the valuable opportunity to develop their professional skills and problem-solving abilities through practical work with an employer. To ensure a high-quality experience, students will be supervised by a professional designer, and participation requires prior approval from the Department Chair.

To receive credit for ADS 531: Internship, you must initiate a conversation with the ILLU Program Director or Department Chair and complete the Professional Experience Credit Request Form. After approval, you will receive an enrollment code for ADS 531. Remember, approval must be obtained before starting your internship.      

ADS 531, can be taken twice for credit, but the total credits earned must not exceed 6 credits.

To be eligible for enrollment, students must have achieved at least junior-level standing within the Design Department.

What you will need to provide before your internship is approved:

Firm Name

Contact Name (who you will be reporting to)

Expected hours (you need to work 120 hours to receive 3 hours of credit)

Expected responsibilities (you must be a member of a Design Team with a creative director, your anticipated responsibilities include actively engaging in design-related tasks. Your involvement in the team necessitates that you contribute to various design projects and collaborate with the creative director to bring creative visions to life.

The internship may be in-person, hybrid or fully remote. It is strongly recommended that you get paid for your internship. 

The grading system for this class is based on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis, without letter grades. At the end of your internship to receive a Satisfactory Grade you must provide to the Department Chair: 

1) Total number of hours worked.

2) A simple evaluation from your creative director outlining your performance, and responsibilities.